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Weekly Update - 12 - November 2019

Weekly Update - 12 - November 2019








President Euon welcomed Carol Brown, principal 'mover and shaker' and now the Chair Person of the Committee running the Menz Shed in Porirua. He also welcomed Alistair Woodfield, one of the Menz Shed committee and Brett Jones, a visiting Rotarian from Central Melbourne. Honorary Member, Jim Dearsly, was also welcomed.

The Speaker said ...

President Euon invited Graeme Blick, Allan Nichols and Alistair Woodfield to give a little of the history of Carol's amazing contribution and persistence over the past 5-6 years to getting the Menz Shed off the ground. Graeme presented her with a cheque for $2,000 as the Club's contribution, together with a Rotary Community Services Award. Carol responded with her thanks and genuine surprise at the honour.


Gwyn Akeroyd gave us his Viewpoint this week - A Protest! 'The world is in crisis, yet no-one points a finger at the population explosion as the ongoing cause. The human species is poised on the edge of the cliff', he says, 'but we won't be here to witness the destruction' ...

This week's happenings

Past President, Donna, attended the celebrations at Parliament last week when Zonta International honoured 100 Women of Achievement in New Zealand.  These women are a unique representative group from the hundreds of thousands of New Zealand women who actively work towards gender equality and the elimination of all forms of violence against women and girls. Each recipient was presented with a celebratory medal. 

Among the long list of worthy recipients were Rebecca Morahan, one of the founders of Bellyful NZ, and Dr Judy Whitcombe, an advocate for women and girls for over 40 years, both of whom have spoken recently at Plimmerton Rotary. Dame Diana Crossan, recently CEO of Wellington Free Ambulance has also spoken to us. They are in good company. Our Mana Green MP Jan Logie, golfer and golf ambassador, Lydia Koe and Olympian, Barbara Kendall, are among the many others also honoured. You will recognise many wonderful leaders as you read through this inspiring list.

The District 9940 Bulletin for November 2019 has been published. If you haven't received your copy, you can find it here.

And the November 2019 issue of the Plimmerton Inner Wheel Newsletter has also been published and you can find it on the Inner Wheel page.


Allan Nichols asked members to let him know if they were coming to the Grandchildren's Christmas Party on Tuesday 3 December AT 4.30 PM, with children, with additional 'caregivers', without children or not coming at all. Numbers will be important so please let him know. Please make sure that the kids arrive by 4.30. Entertainment will start at 4.45, Father Christmas will fly in at 5.30 and dinner will be just before 6.00. Please bring presents for your child/ren, to a maximum value $25 with the child's name written legibly on the outside! The cost will be normal for the adults at $25; children will be $10 for a boxed meal. Please print the flyer, kindly created by Phillip Reidy, so that you have all the arrangements at your fingertips.

Chris Garrett reminded members about the Mary Potter Charity Golf Tournament, the date for which is approaching fast. Toyota is lending their BBQ for a sausage sizzle. He is hoping that more teams will enter. Ten holes have been sponsored so far and there are some wonderful items to be auctioned or raffled. Please If you're not playing, please let Chris know how you can help during the day. Please print the flyer, kindly created by Phillip Reidy, and share it with all possible contacts who may be interested in playing or sponsoring.

President Euon asked Board Chairs to report so that members were up to date with all the activities that are taking place.

Phillip Reidy, Communications, mentioned:

  • The Inlet Cleanup where about 100 people turned up and the sausage sizzle was well received.
  • Engineering work is almost complete on Te Ara Pike. Tenders will go out in early December and be let in February. The work is slightly more complex because of the need to realign the road.
  • He reminded members that the Communications team is ready and able to help with the promotion of any of the club's activities.

Donna Reed, Youth, mentioned:

  • Evaluations are taking place on the Best Speaker Awards, the Sound System donated to Holy Family School, the sponsorship of a Porirua College student to Outward Bound.
  • Peter Sinke will be hosting a group of Japanese in March and Te Kura has offered a cultural afternoon for them.
  • Our candidate for the Science Forum is at the top of the waiting list.
  • We have two candidates for RYLA in late January.
  • Tania and Graeme Blick are working on a pre-school programme.
  • Cris is going down to the South Island on Saturday and Theo (Tania and Tony's son) is heading out to the Netherlands in February.
  • Bill and Kay are still supporting the Myanmar Homework Club.
  • The Parumoana Speech competition will take place at 9.30 on Friday 29 November and all members are welcome.
  • The 2020 invitation for RYPEN has just been received so applicants are being sought.

David Pine, Community Service, mentioned the fundraising being done by the committee so that donations can be made to the community such as:

  • The Golf Tournament on 22 November.
  • Dancing with Life Education Trust for which Suzanne Paul has just agreed to be the principal sponsor.
  • The Book Fair on 20-22 March 2020 for which several thousand books have already been packed up.
  • The clearance of the Taupo Swamp where plants and weeds are being removed and replaced with native trees and shrubs.

What's coming up in November and beyond?

Next week, 19 November, we will hear from Chris Theobald, Principal of Bishop Viard College.

Friday 22 November is the date for the Mary Potter Charity Golf Tournament which Chris Garrett is organising.

On 26 November we will hear from the Honourable Kris Faafoi who will be speaking to us about his Consumer Affairs Portfolio.

You can find future events here.

Parting thought 

Wendy gave the parting thought, 'People were created to be loved. Things were created to be used. The reason why the world is in chaos is because things are being loved and people are being used'.

Who’s on duty for the next month?

Unable to do your duty? Please find a replacement and inform Philip Mottram.
If you're a late 'no show' please tell President Euon.
Please arrive at 5.45 pm if you're on Door duty or on Introduction duty to greet the Guest Speaker and be his/her host for the evening.
Need to apologise or bring additional guests?
Advise the Receptionist at Professionals before 10.00 am on the Monday before the meeting on 233 9955 or email if you prefer.
Please provide the name (and spelling if necessary). The same applies if you're going to be late.
Euon reminds members that it is the role of the person saying Grace to host Cris for the evening.

Guests are welcome to our Dinner Meetings. 
For apologies or additional guests, please phone or email Phillip Whearty before 10.00 am on Mondays (or before 10.00 am on Tuesdays if Monday is a statutory holiday) on 027 448 9094 or email


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